Year End Reader Survey
2017 was… a year.
Hi friends! This past year was not an easy one for us. As I shared in one of my latest Instagram posts, 2017 was easily my darkest year yet. I want to thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart, for everything. For all the support, all the love, and yes – even for keeping me in check. All of your likes, comments, clicks, messages and emails have meant so much to me. Your support is the reason I am able to keep sharing! And this year, your support will help me more than ever with self care and health.
Make sure to read all the way to the bottom for your chance to win a $50 gift card!
Goals for 2018:
I have been going back and forth on making goals for this year. As much as I struggled last year, there were also some pretty incredible things, experiences, and friends I encountered along the way.
This year, I want to focus less on the numbers. I got so down on myself last year for not being where other bloggers were – my photos don’t get the likes or comments theirs do, I can’t seem to pull myself together like they could, and it felt like I was just drowning. SO, I want to focus more on staying in my own lane and focusing on staying true to myself.
That means more transparency and honesty, but also just trying to not worry so much about what other people may think. I want 2018 to be the best year possible, for myself, my family and you all. Because of this, I want to learn and grow from all 2017 threw at us.
So here’s where I need your help!
I am officially going to start up a yearly reader survey. You all are the reason for what I do. Why I share what I share. I want to connect with you all as best as possible, and I want to be able to serve you as best I can!
The survey is completely anonymous – so please feel free to be honest. However, please also keep in mind I am a human being and remember to try and be kind and honest when providing feedback. Each question is optional – feel free to answer as many or as few as you’d like. If you have any troubles viewing, please click here. (That one still not working? Here’s a DIRECT LINK TO THE READER SURVEY!)
And remember, if you’d like a chance to win a $50 gift card, please remember to add your email to the last question!