Dressing your postpartum body is HARD, especially for new moms. You’re so busy taking care of the baby you’ve just birthed that stylish mom clothing is the last thing on your mind. But then it happens. You walk past a mirror and realize your maternity clothing is too big. And your pre pregnancy clothing doesn’t fit. I’m going to be honest – this time sucks. It is a hard few months while your body adjusts and reverts back, as much as it can. Because I’m here to tell you, getting your body back isn’t easy. Especially the second, third, etc, time around.
Dressing Your Postpartum Body
In the spirit of keeping things honest and real, my closet has gone a huge overhaul while trying to figure out how to begin dressing my postpartum body. I finally got rid of, donated, and packed away all the clothing that isn’t working for my current season of life. That includes all my old favorites, just like I’m sure you have. You know the ones I’m talking about. The tops that made you feel like hot stuff when you were out and about. The tanks that went with everything. But that now don’t allow for easy nursing access or babywearing. O-U-T they went. It hurt, but it was the right thing to do.Â
So no, I didn’t break up with a boyfriend, but it kind of feels like I did. Figuring out what my postpartum style is has been hard. There have been a lot of tears. A lot. And a lot of cursing at my secondary (tertiary) postpartum body.
I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve cried myself out of a dressing room. My poor husband along for the ride, trying to be supportive, but missing the mark completely.
And then there was Evereve.Â
Evereve makes dressing your postpartum body EASY!
I walked through the door and was greeted by the three women who were working that day. Everyone was kind, welcoming, and supportive. It made me feel awesome to hear my personal stylist (which EVERYONE who walks through the door gets) talk me through how everything in the store would fit. It was like I was a flush trophy mama, walking through a high end department store. Being waited on hand and foot. Given suggestions to work with the pieces I selected, and being told how beautiful and amazing I looked.
When things didn’t work? She didn’t tell me it was my body. She told me the pieces weren’t right for me. She grabbed extra items off the shelf, grabbed booties and necklaces, and whatever I needed.
And something extra awesome?
Evereve has a kids play area – in store!
So even if your babysitters, grandparents, etc, can’t help watch the babies and give you some time on your own – Evereve has you covered! Because let me tell you, shopping on your own is like a little slice of heaven. And shopping with kids running around and crawling around your dressing room… is not.
Finding what works for my postpartum body
You know how you used to make fun of moms that wore high waisted jeans? Yeah. Welcome to the club. High waisted jeans are the best EVER for holding in that infamous mom pooch. These Joe’s jeans that my in store Evereve stylist suggested for me are literally the bees knees and I love them so much.
Benefits of high waisted jeans:
I know, I know. You promised yourself you wouldn’t. I did too. But lets talk about why moms love high waisted jeans. As mentioned already, they are AMAZING for holding in the mom pooch. Which, P.S., just gets harder to get rid of after your first baby.
Also. They are amazing for running after your kiddos. Let’s get real here, mom life requires a lot of running after and squatting. And with my low rise jeans, there was lot of plumbers crack happening. So I gave in. It was the best decision I’ve ever made.
My high waisted, skinny jeans are INCREDIBLE. Yes, they were an investment, but I wear them daily and they go with EVERYTHING.
Benefits of button up tops
I’ve shared on my Instagram stories a ton, but my closet is now filled with relaxed fit button ups. Not structured, because lord knows my body doesn’t cooperate with those. But boyfriend fit, HELLO.
The button ups keep breastfeeding easy. Considering how Jude is still nursing on demand and that I baby wear constantly, easy nursing access is crucial.
Through a ton of trial and error, I have discovered that fabric choice is crucial. Structured button ups are a nightmare for me right now. My boobs are huge thanks to breastfeeding, but my waist and belly are attempting to get back to normal. The tops my Evereve stylist chose are awesome. She knew exactly the spot I was in, and suggested tops that would work perfect for me.
I came out of Evereve with the Joe’s jeans, two button ups, a romper, and a great duster. Because they finally made me feel great about myself and about my postpartum body. It took a lot of trying on and a lot of trial and error.
But Evereve has an awesome selection that helped get me out of my comfort zone, but kept me fashionable and stylish. because here’s the deal. PreSchool pickup is still a mom game. Where everyone tries to look and feel put together.
And because its amazing how much better you can feel about yourself when you put yourself together.
Motherhood is hard. Getting dressed doesn’t have to be. Evereve is here to help, and so am I.
I hope these tips for dressing your postpartum body have given you some ideas for figuring out your postpartum style!
Make sure to check out Evereve on Facebook, and enter their AWESOME giveaway so you can win a mom wardrobe of your choice!
For more on maternity fashion, check out the posts below:
5 easy postpartum self-care tips
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