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As my due date approached with H, there was one thing I was still on the hunt for the best baby monitor. I wanted to find one to give me some peace of mind. After searching online for hours, I couldn’t find the perfect one that gave me all the details I wanted. So, I settled and grabbed a random video monitor from a local baby shop during Black Friday.
The best baby monitor for peace of mind:
I didn’t do my due diligence. I just gave in to the thought that something was better than nothing. While the video monitor is fine, it gave me no peace of mind until after H was in his crib in his own room. Which for us was at almost 12 months old. The entire fourth trimester (the first three months postpartum), I barely slept a wink. Every time I heard H fuss or move in his bassinet next to our bed, I was sure something was wrong. I was sure he would stop breathing in his sleep and I wouldn’t know. It was all so new: parenthood and having a newborn, that my anxieties overrode my common sense. I legitimately probably only averaged about an hour a night. Sleep depravity is no joke. It only added to my postpartum anxiety and depression.
Because of my regret over not choosing a better monitor for the newborn period, I made it my biggest goal to find the best baby monitor for this rainbow baby.
One that would allow for heart rate and oxygen tracking, and give me a little peace of mind to leave the room where the baby is sleeping. One that would allow me to relax and breathe while baby Bear sleeps. Maybe even get some quality rest myself. I will always be my child’s caregiver and the best monitor available, but in all my reading and googling, I discovered the Owlet Baby Care monitor, and know it’s the best choice for my family.
Why I chose the Owlet Baby Care Monitor:
- I can use it from the start. Because the Owlet Baby Care Monitor comes with three different sock sizes, it will fit your baby from day one! It isn’t just for the first few months, either. The Owlet sock will fit your child up to one year, and most children up to eighteen months!
- It employs hospital grade technology by using Pulse Oximetry. That is the fancy little clip they put on your finger to track your blood flow and oxygen levels. Hospitals have been using it for years. It’s safe, proven and accurate. It helps to give me an extra set of eyes while myself and/or baby are asleep. Owlet worked with a team of pulse oximetry specialists, pediatricians, neonatologists and pulmonologists to determine the best and safest way to keep tabs on baby and notifies caregivers, and in my mind, you can’t get better than that!
- Not only does Owlet Baby Care track baby’s oxygen levels, but it tracks the baby’s heart rate as well. H was such a quiet sleeper. I could be right next to him and not hear anything unless he was grunting or a deep sigh. The paranoid new mom that I was, I felt I had to constantly put my hand on his chest. Or my finger under his nose to make sure he was alive and breathing. I don’t want to have to do that again with this baby!
- One of the biggest benefits that I see with the Owlet is that I can view baby’s live readings. Our regular video monitor is great for listening in. But when you have a really quiet baby, you have no idea when something goes wrong. The Owlet’s design will notify me if the baby stops breathing or if baby’s live readings ‘off’. If baby Bear’s heart rate dips too low or rises too high, or if the oxygen level drops below a certain threshold – I’m notified immediately. The amount of peace of mind that this gives me is invaluable.
- There are no wires! The Smart Sock (three sizes are included) fits snugly on baby’s foot and sends information to both your phone, as well as the wireless, independent base station. If you and your partner are away from baby during nap or bedtimes, you can pull up your Owlet iPhone or Android App and check-in. How cool is that? Worried about if your phone dies? Don’t be! The base station can work independently (off Wi-Fi) and is the primary way Owlet will notify you, with both flashing lights and a buzzer.
- I never need to worry about having the right size batteries! The Owlet Baby Care Monitor’s sock is powered by a rechargeable coin cell battery! A quick in-between nap time charge once a day is good enough!
Katie @ Chalk it up to Better Luck says
I've been thinking about getting one of these. It will be so reassuring to know that my baby is okay.
Erin Ruoff says
I should have bought this with my little one!
Larissa @ Living in Color | A Lifestyle Blog says
Ohh love owlet! <3