5 key vitamins and nutrients you need during pregnancy, and why!
At my first appointment with my Midwife, she asked me what vitamins I was taking. I told her the brand of Prenatal, and she looked it up online to show me that I was still missing out on some crucial vitamins by only taking the one supplement a day. After that first appointment, she had me add the following vitamins to make sure both baby and I were benefitting the most from my daily intake:
- Vitamin D
- Calcium
- Folic Acid
- DHA Omega 3s
- Iron
Were you aware of the calcium needs during pregnancy?
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Masshole Mommy says
When I was pregnant, I took my prenatals like my doctor told me to 🙂
Shannon says
Its amazing all the new research that has shown what all we need to ensure a healthy pregnancy! And its sad that more prenatal supplements nowadays aren't all inclusive for what our bodies and baby needs!
Rebecca Bryant says
I did not know any of this. things sure have changed from when i was pregnant.
Shannon says
It seems like new information is always coming out to help us have a healthier pregnancy!
WorkingMomMagic says
I used to love those viactive chews! I need to start buying them again!
Shannon says
I'm surprised at how yummy they are for how much calcium they have!
Laura Starner says
Viactive is a great source of calcium. I need to share this post with my daughter. She is pregnant.
Shannon says
All her days needs as a pregnant woman in two little chews! The caramels are my favorite!
Carol Cassara says
We are all past the age where this is relevant. So, Igave it a tweet so others can benefit.
Shannon says
Ha, thank you Carol! But no matter what age, you do need to make sure to keep up your calcium intake to combat osteoporosis and weakening bones!
Elizabeth O. says
These are definitely important when you're pregnant, especially because you want your baby to be able to get all the nutrients he or she needs. Viactiv is awesome, that's also what I take for calcium!
Michelle Mink says
i am so glad to see that you want to keep yourself healthy just like the baby. a healthy pregnancy is a good pregnancy
Lexie Lane says
That is why it is very important to take your prenatal vitamins. All these are for you and your baby.
Karlaroundtheworld | Karla says
I have to show this article to my friend. She's been looking for something for her calcium needs and her sweet tooth might just be perfect for Viactiv.
amer says
My sister-in-law takes Viactiv, and she loves it.
Life With Kathy says
These are all definitely what you need. I remember having to take iron pills during my first pregnancy. Those chewable calcium chews sound great. I don't get enough calcium, so these would be great for me.
Echo A says
Getting your nutrients and vitamins is so important! I was prescribed super strong prenatal vitamins while I was pregnant.
Michelle Gwynn Jones says
Don't you get so tired of everyone having an opinion and giving you advice?
Shannon says
YES! It's sweet that people care, but they sometimes forget to remember that I am an informed and educated woman ☺️
Danne Reed says
Those are lots of vitamins but yeah, pregnant women are literally eating for two! I salute pregnant women around the world! They all deserve to be healthy!
Stacy Kripas says
I heard that Folic acid is good for baby's brain development. Pregnant women are very tough and they should all be healthy to have a healthy and happy baby!
Enricoh Alfonzo Naidu says
how informative and well laid out with great points.
Lol i've seen that little disclaimer on the top with the posts i've been reading.
Is there like crazy repercussions if you don't put that at the beginning?
Doran HauteBeautyGuide says
So cool that one supplement can give you the essential nutrients need for a happy pregnancy!
Mya Kroeplin says
I'll have to tell my mom's friends about this, she would love this.
agnes dela cruz says
A lot of brand supplements to try that is sout in the market for pregnant Moms that's why there is now way pregnancy can't be taken care of.
Melissa Bernardo says
It's nice that one supplement contains all the nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy!
Stream and Stone says
These look so great! The prenatals I took when I was pregnant made me so sick.
Lisa Rios says
Pregnancy is such a wonderful phase of your life for any women & I am sure you need to make sure you take foods that provide you the much essential vitamins & nutrients all through the delivery period & even after the baby is here. Viactiv Soft Chews sounds like a great product & could be a great choice for pregnant women.
Raye Social says
Being pregnant took a toll on my teeth. This is a great in depth post!
Holly @ Woman Tribune says
This is a great guide for making sure you are getting all of the vitamins and nutrients you need during pregnancy. You are so right — it's important to make sure you're getting what you need, even while inundated with all of the "baby must haves" being thrown your way.
ChitChatMom - formerly Fun Reviews And Giveaways says
I ended up taking kids gummy vitamins during my 3rd pregnancy, because I can't swallow big pills. It's very important for baby to continue vitamins during pregnancy for sure.
John JohnG says
Viactiv is calcium carbonate, a very poorly absorbed form of calcium. This type of calcium can lead to kidney stones. Also, this product has corn syrup/solids (sugar) in it which is GMO – very unhealthy for mom and baby alike. There are artificial dyes and hydrogenated oils in Viactiv as well. Artificial colors are linked to hyperactivity and are made from petroleum. Some are even carcinogenic. May I suggest taking an organic food-based calcium that is highly absorbable and recognized by the body as food. It's easy to get calcium from food alone; just google food sources of calcium. Too much calcium in the body can throw off (minerals) magnesium levels and so on and so forth. Therefore, either find a food based supplement that has both magnesium and calcium in it, or get it from eating a healthy diet of leafy greens.
John JohnG says
PS. Synthetic calcium supplements can calcify in the heart and cause atherosclerosis. This can be prevented with adequate K2 – Again, a good food based supplement will have adequate ratios of mag, calcium, and k2. Try Garden of Life.