There’s one item from H’s newborn days that once I put in my diaper bag, never left my side: baby wipes. I usually stock up on baby wipes when I find good deals, because our household uses them for so much more than just diaper changes, and we have bags scattered throughout the house and our cars.
40 different uses for bloom Baby Sensitive Wipes:
(other than just for wiping baby’s bum!)
- Wrap a baby wipe around the bottom of a popsicle like a “popsicle coozie”to prevent drips from melting, and to help keep your kid’s hands from getting sticky.
- Stick them in the refrigerator before you go out on a hot day for an awesomely refreshing and cooling wipe down.
- Mini showers – we keep an extra pack to wipe down hands, necks, chests and faces on humid and extra sweaty days.
- Wipe down scrapes and cuts when you’re out and about without a first aid kit and / or disinfectant to keep them clean.
- Clean spit up off everything. Leather furniture, microfiber fabrics, carpets, car interiors, toys etc.
- For that matter, baby wipes are basically responsible for keeping my entire car’s interior clean!
- Airplane / bus travel – we use our baby wipes to wipe down changing pads in the bathrooms, the arm rests and tray tables in the plane, to refresh faces in the dry air, and throughout the trip to keep everyone clean.
- Clean grocery / shopping cart handles.
- Clean up dropped pacifiers and bottles.
- Wipe down sticky board books.
- Wipe boogers off – especially the sticky / crusty dried on gross ones. As an added bonus, baby wipes are much softer on baby / kiddo’s nose than tissues, and the wetness helps remove them better in our opinion. I usually tear my wipes in 1/2 or 1/4s to maximize their use for this!
- Cleaning up and stopping nose bleeds!
- Toilet paper substitute! Have you ever been at a rest stop or park bathroom and found the toilet paper is all out? Yep, us too. Keeping an extra pack of baby wipes in my bag has saved us multiple times – just make sure to toss them instead of flushing them down the toilet as to not mess with the septic system!
- Clean up / sanitize your kid’s toys – H actually enjoys doing this with me! Especially around cold and flu season we try to wipe down his toys at night, and baby wipes are the only thing I’ve found that can get in the duplo block / monster truck / dinosaur nooks and crannies to really clean them up well.
- Remove food (oatmeal, peanut butter, jelly, mac and cheese, etc) from kid’s hair.
- Remove pen and permanent marker from skin (just trust me on this one)
- AWESOME at removing crayon from walls (or so I’ve heard…)
- Remove gum from hardwood floors!
- Cleaning up and wiping down chalk board / black boards and dry erase / white boards
- Clean up face paint!
- Removing makeup – baby wipes are amazing at removing even stubborn mascara!
- Remove deodorant marks on clothes – even black clothing!
- Remove spray on tanner from clothing
- Remove stray nail polish for at home manicure / pedicures.
- Removing hair dye stains from hairline / ears / neck when dying your hair.
- Tame static / flyaway hairs, especially in the dry winter season.
- Cleaning up hair / makeup / hairspray from bathroom sinks and basins. I don’t know about you, but my husband loves to trim his beard at the sink and those little tiny hairs are obnoxious to clean up. Baby wipes pick up all the small (and longer) hair and leftover makeup, etc, that may be hanging around your sinks and countertops.
- Cleaning the microwave! As long as you’ve got a thick and durable baby wipe, they work wonders on removing greasy leftover residue and crusted on food splatters. Little tip – I like to microwave the wipe for about 5 seconds before wiping down the innards.
- Clean grease off hands and skin(motorcycles and bicycle chains be darned!)
- Clean greasy stove tops!
- Clean up after messy mealtimes – highchairs / tables / hands / faces, especially when baby is first learning to eat (or even if you just have a really crazy eating toddler).
- Wipes are great at picking up fresh spills and stains on clothing, carpet and furniture – especially microfiber fabrics!
- Dusting blinds! I slide the wipes though the space in-between the blinds, hold either side, and drag it down from one end to the other – instant dusting and all the dust stays in the wipe and doesn’t get thrown into the air like it does with dry dusting!
- Dust kitchen chairs / wooden furniture / fans / picture frames.
- Clean your family’s shoes! Baby wipes are great for cleaning up moccasins, suede and leather loafers, nice dress shoes AND tennis shoes!
- Car seat cleanup! We use them to wipe down carseat covers and straps when they get funky. Baby wipes are one of the only approved products to clean car seat straps safely!
- Beach day cleanup! Baby wipes are awesome at cleaning sand off of everything – especially between toes and fingers of the kiddos!
- Clean up dried, gross, bird poop off park equipment / car windows / doors, etc.
- I bring an extra pack while we’re out camping to clean up before and after meals, and before bedtime, and to wash dirt off everyone and everything.
- Animal cleanup! I use wipes to clean out our dog’s ears, clean up his eye boogers, and to wipe down his paws after he steps in mud (or, inevitably, poop).
- **Bonus Tip** I store the wipes in their packs upside down in the closet and then flip them when we bring them out so they are all equally wet, and I don’t have to worry about dry wipes on top and excessively wet wipes at the bottom!
Because our family uses baby wipes for so many different purposes, I’m very picky about what kind we buy. H’s skin was incredibly sensitive when he was a newborn so I was having to spend crazy amounts of money on the more expensive, natural baby wipes. Thankfully, H doesn’t have quite as many issues with eczema and rash flare ups as he did, but we do still have to avoid several different brands because of adverse reaction.
With his skin issues, I’m totally that mom standing in the aisles at Target, the one with the wipes boxes upside down, studying the ingredients list to see what products each company uses. If your family is like ours and has a baby or toddler with extra sensitive skin, I’m sure you can relate, however, even if your child has no reactions, regardless of the different brands of wipes you’ve used, finding the ‘perfect baby wipe’ is always a struggle. Either they are too thin, smell weird, are rough or itchy on your baby’s bum, and some of the worst we’ve tried just aren’t wet enough to clean anything and can’t handle the inevitable blowouts that occur.
bloom Baby Sensitive Wipes recently made their way to Target shelves, and I’m smitten with their soft but durable 98% natural baby wipes. These baby wipes are the gold mine of baby bottom care – they are made with natural fibers and pure, glacial water and have been enriched with Plant-Derived Vitamins A, B-Complex, D, Omega-3, and -6 and moisturize while they clean. Allergy families – rejoice! bloom Baby wipes are hypoallergenic and produced in an FDA facility free of nuts, gluten and wheat processing!
These wipes feel expensive, but are very wallet and budget friendly! I’ve tried so many cheap brands to try to save money, but they always feel so thin and cheap, and end up ripping during diaper changes, so we can’t use them for much else. bloom Baby’s wipes are thick and cushy, so they hold up to anything we throw at them. I can literally tear a bloom Baby wipe in half and it does the job of what 1 – 2 of the generic brand wipes will – I’ve been very impressed with their durability.
From bloom Baby:
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I keep them in the bag on my bike and in my golf bag. Two activities that get my hands dirty and I like to eat while doing.
My husband uses them to clean his golf balls and clubs while he's out on the course as well!
I can never leave and live without baby wipes! They make life more convenient. I didn't really appreciate them until I had twins and after that, baby wipes became a necessity for me!
They definitely do make cleanups easier!
I can totally relate 😉 I use baby wipes to clean toys, even windows, wipe furniture, the list goes on…
Same here! I could honestly probably make a list a mile long if I listed each individual thing we cleaned with them!
I am absolutely a fan of no.5. If I had to write a page every time I use some wipes during my travels, I'd probably have a dozen phone books by now. Good hacks!
Us too! They are so handy and convenient!
Those sound like great wipes. Perfect for any new baby!
They're great for new babies, and beyond 😉
Love this! I actually used babywipes to clean my face off the other night haha.
They are honestly the best makeup remover I've used!
Those sound like some wonderful wipes. I love it when you can use wipes for more then just babies. It's nice to see what you can clean with them!
They clean everything in our house 🙂 Glad to give you some tips!
I never knew about 1/2 of these ideas! Even though my boys are way past the wipe stage, we still buy them.
We've always kept one on my nephew's bag. When we go for a stroll in the mall, he drops his pacifier almost half of the time. Hence, the wipes! haha
There really are so many great uses for baby wipes. I don't have kids but I always make sure to keep a pack or two around for other tasks.
OMG, I've used baby wipes for so many things, not just my kids faces and hangs…they've cleaned the kitchen table and counters and benches and yes shoes.
I do use wipes for most of these, but I love your refrigerator idea!
Thank you for the new ideas!
Wow did not know how many uses the wipes had! thanks for sharing!
Baby wipes are one of the most useful things to have around. Certainly not just for babies!
That's quite a lot you can do with these wipes! I always keep wipes around even when I didn't have a baby for them. They can be so handy hehe
wow i didn't know they were that useful. i do love them..i used them to keep my car clean and like to help keep the bathroom fresh.
Really nice post
In the event that you are a guardian of an infant then you realize that there are a lot of supplies that you will requirement for the child. Other than milk, attire a couple toys and diapers, you will unquestionably need some infant wipes to wipe off your newborn child at whatever point required. The earth is currently getting to be to loaded with dispensable wipes, and this is presently a noteworthy worry in our reality today.
I didn't know that there is so many use of baby wipes. I don't mind to try it as make up remover because this is made for sensitive skin which is very important.
Those are all great uses! We loved having baby wipes around when our kids were young, but now they are all older. I should still buy wipes though!
I did not know how many uses the wipes had! thanks for sharing! I am definitely using them for some of the things you've shared!
love that I do about half of the tips given here. Wipes are saviors. I know that and so I have that in my bag all the time.
I do use them all the time but never thought of cleaning the ears of my dog!
I use them all of the time and love all of your suggestions. Pinned!