I am have been so blessed for the past year to be a LÍLLÉbaby Ambassador and have loved sharing my passion for the most comfortable baby carrier around. It is no surprise to me that the amazingness that is LÍLLÉbaby’s soft structured carrier is nominated for Comfiest Carrier in the 2016 Cribsie Awards!
To celebrate, several of the LÍLLÉbrities and myself have gotten together to host a giveaway for a LÍLLÉbaby Carrier of your choice! Yep, you heard right – if you win, you may choose from any (in stock) LÍLLÉbaby carrier style and print/color your heart desires – lucky duck. Your choices include the Tokidoki prints, Elephant Party, Frosted Rose, Embossed, and more – plus any new releases that may happen between now and January 29th!
There is literally a LÍLLÉbaby for every person and climate, and now with the Essentials carrier, there are more options for those of us who may be on tight budgets. You’ve heard me spout off praise upon praise for my LÍLLÉbaby carriers, and I will continue to do so until they put me in the ground. I credit LÍLLÉbaby for saving not only my sanity over the past year and a half of use, but my back as well. I was in a car accident several years ago that left me with permanent acute back damage, which was exacerbated during pregnancy, and then even moreso after H was born. He was a very clingy newborn, so I wore him everywhere – all day, every day, and it killed my back. I started out with a stretchy wrap, and while it was great for the first short period, after about 20 minutes I would start getting achy and I didn’t love having to wrestle with all the fabric.
When H was about 6 months old, I went to a JenniJune sleep event locally and bought a VIP pack because it came with a LÍLLÉbaby. I was SO tired of my Ergo that I was willing to try anything, because homeslice was not having strollers in the slightest, and I wanted to get back into babywearing. After a lot of research on what the best baby carrier for bad backs is, I discovered the LÍLLÉbaby’s lumbar support and the lights went off and my world was forever changed.
My favorite anecdotal LÍLLÉbaby story is when my husband and I walked around Ikea for over 6 hours without realizing it (seriously, that place is like a black hole): I wore and breastfed H the entire time we were there, the full 6+ hours, and didn’t have the slightest soreness or ache the next day. If I wasn’t convinced before, I was now!
Are you a breastfeeding mama? In my 18 months of nursing experience, LÍLLÉbaby is hands down the easiest baby carrier to breastfeed in. I am able to sink H down low enough that he can easily nurse, and I can be hands free while I’m running errands or doing things at home. While this How To Breastfeed in the LÍLLÉbaby video is specific to the Essentials carrier, it’s the same concept for each model – I do the same thing in the All Seasons as I do in the Original, etc. Lowering your baby to nurse while you’re out walking around can put a lot of pressure on your lower back especially, so the lumbar support once again comes hugely into play to keep me comfortable, even when he’s been nursing non stop.
What started with an Original Organic LÍLLÉbaby, then blossomed to an Original COMPLETE, then an All Seasons, then a TokiDoki print and then finally an Essentials – you could say we’ve become hooked. I love that they make it easy for myself and my husband to wear H around, whether it’s while making dinner, vacuuming, grocery shopping, doctors visits, etc – LÍLLÉbaby goes with us everywhere we go. Plus, now that we have multiples, we each get our own so we don’t even have to adjust the fit, which means it’s perfect every time!
Curious about LÍLLÉbaby’s different soft structured buckle carriers? You can read more about mine and H’s experiences and adventures with a few of the different styles:
Or just search for “Lillebaby” in the upper left corner!
If you win, which LÍLLÉbaby style and color/print will you choose? Tell me in the comments!
Enter to win below!
Open to US and Canadian Residents, must be 18 years of age and older.
Disclosure: I was not compensated in any way for this post, however it does contain affiliate links.
Unknown says
I would be thrilled to win any of them, but thought the elephant party print was adorable! Thanks for the opportunity! -Jennifer
Shannon says
I love the elephant party! The colors are so beautiful! Good luck Jennifer 🙂
M says
They have really cute designs, good luck to everyone! I love your knit cardigan 😉