Have you heard about probiotics? There’s a lot of buzz surrounding the health benefits of probiotics right now, and it got me thinking. If I keep hearing that I should be intaking probiotics daily, what about H? Are probiotics beneficial to babies, toddlers, and kids as well as adults?
- Keep harmful bacteria in check. Probiotics work to help prevent the overgrowth of bacteria in your intestines to keep your ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria balanced and help keep your body working like it should.
- Keep you regular. Everybody poops, right? But in order to have regular bowel movements, there needs to be a healthy balance of good bacteria in the gut. Daily probiotics have been shown to help support that balance, which in turn promotes regularity and helps prevent bloating, discomfort, and an upset stomach. (source)
- Healthy Digestion. Probiotics produce digestive enzymes and support regular, balanced digestion.
- Help antibiotic-induced diarrhea. According to Dr. Sears, probiotics should be used during, and for at least two weeks after, antibiotic treatment. “Antibiotics kill the bad germs that can cause infections throughout the body, but they also can kill the beneficial bacteria in the bowels. Probiotics replenish the healthful bacteria that may have been killed by the antibiotics and restore the balance between healthful and harmful bacteria in the bowels. (source)
- Work as preventive medicine. Studies have shown that probiotics can lessen the spread of diarrhea outbreaks in daycare settings. Probiotics seem to significantly decrease the shedding of viruses in the stools of affected children. (source)
- Produce good fats. These healthful bacteria ferment the soluble fiber in food, producing healthful short-chain fatty acids that nourish the cells of the large intestine, thereby promoting healing of infected intestinal lining. These protective fatty acids are also thought to reduce the development of intestinal cancer and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and they travel to the liver where they can decrease the liver’s production of excess cholesterol. (source)
- skin conditions, like eczema
- maintaining urinary and vaginal health and preventing yeast infections
- preventing allergies and colds
- maintaining oral health
- respiratory infections
- colic in babies
- lung infections in children
- skin problems in children who are allergic to milk
- lactose intolerance
- Crohn’s disease
- depression
- obesity (sources: 1, 2)
Teaching our children about good nutrition is incredibly important, especially with all of the research that proves a well-balanced diet benefits more than just their growing bodies. With the prevalence of quick and easy processed foods, many kids fall short when it comes to getting the essential nutrients they need, and it is impacting their health in the long run.
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So, do you take a probiotic? If not previously, would you consider them now?
msvee says
I love probiotics for my kids. In addition it seems to keep everyone 'regular
Karlyn Bishop says
A friend of mine mentioned she might get probiotics for her son. She just wasn't sure. I will have to show her this.
Shann Soiney says
Great info . I take one, and want my boys to start too .
Deal Match Maker says
I take Pro Biotic supplement almost everyday! I can feel the benefits but often forget to take it
Shannon says
I've started leaving a supplement next to my morning coffee cup so I always remember 🙂
Victoria Heckstall says
I have never heard about Pro Biotic before but it was a such a great information for me. I want one for my two boys
Masshole Mommy says
I have heard of these for adults before, but never kids. You have a lot of valid points.
Claudette P. Esterine says
Definitely will share this with my daughter for the youngster. Thanks for another great post. 🙂
Elizabeth O. says
Probiotics is very good for a child's metabolism. I remember making sure I supplied a good amount for my girls. It's vital for their health!
Shaylee Anne says
Probiotics are great for everyone! I always feel better when I'm taking them 🙂
Liz Mays says
I think it's important to keep our systems moving along the best we can. Probiotics are so helpful!
Jessica Cassidy says
My kids have not try this but they do take multi-vitamins everyday.
Mykidsguide says
I do take this this, but I've never thought of giving this to my kids. I will look more into this.
Joely Smith says
I can not stress enough that people need to really read this post and do this for their children, and for themselves! Probiotics are an amazing thing and have helped my daughter immensely!
MsCrookedHalo says
Every since probiotics hit the scene years ago, I have been an active consumer of Activia and it has made a huge difference.
The Stay-at-Home Life Blog says
Probiotic do soooo much good and help with so many stomach problems! We eat lots of yogurt with it.
Rebecca Swenor says
I actually never thought to give the kids probiotics from the bottle but if they don't like yogurt like myself than this is a great idea. I don't eat yogurt and I have told by the doctor to get stuff like this but I think they were pills. I may just start taking them now. Thanks for sharing the great information.