I first discovered Artee and Me when I was late night scrolling through Instagram about 6 months ago. I saw this picture of their ‘yobots’ tee, and had to click through to her profile. When I found out it was a newly created mama-run shop who was taking her son’s drawings and creating wearable art and I was hooked ands I knew I wanted to feature Artee and Me for a Monday Introductions post, and am so glad Sarah agreed!
Throughout the coming months, Sarah started posting pictures of her sweet family, and she totally felt like someone I would get along with in real life. She is a “silly, fun loving wife and stay at home mom of two little boys” who loves “baking, camping, date night, crafting, anything with Pioneer woman and a good book”. She’s right after my own crunchy mama heart, but has cupcake and makeup skills that would blow mine out of the water!
I am so excited to not only give you a little behind the brand insight, but Sarah is also generously gifting one of my readers with a store credit, so you can experience the amazingness that is Artee and Me for yourself! H and I have the coordinating With You I am Home women’s tank and Home is Where the Mom is toddler tee, and I also have the ladies Laundry and Dishes, Hugs and Kisses tank (as seen here) and they are some of our very favorites!
Artee and Me was born after a family trip to the Olympia Children’s Museum. Sarah’s son Desmond has always loved to draw the “funniest, silliest creatures”, but they were never stick people – it was always “alien grabbers, claws and yobots”. On this particular day at the OCM, the craft of the day was screen printing. Sarah and her husband told Desmond to draw something fun, so he drew an ‘alien grabber’ that was then screen printed onto a tee – and the outcome was cuter than they expected! Everyone kept making comments about Desmond’s tee, and the museum loved it so much they even asked if they could keep the design! How cool is that?!
As they left the museum and drove back home, Sarah turned to her husband and told him that they needed to start turning their son’s drawings into T-shirts! She had seen that some people were selling their homemade moccasins and tees on Instagram (but had no idea how HUGE the IG community was when it came to small shops at the time), so she knew there was a possibility for success, and just 4 short weeks later, Artee and Me was born!
How did you come up with the name? We knew we wanted the word Art in the title somehow. And we also wanted to incorporate our son somehow too. One day we were watching a cartoon and one of the characters were name Artie. I sat up…artie, artie…artee..ARTEE…artee and? ARTEE AND ME! Boom. 🙂
What (or who) has been your biggest inspiration? Hmm, this is a hard one. I have been so truly blessed to have so many wonderful inspiring women (and men) in my life. My children have definitely inspired me in more ways than I could have ever imagined. They are always forgiving. They are innocent, brutally honest and fearless. They have courage, so much courage. And they are always optimistic. They inspire me to be better, to try harder, to stay up later, to be the best I can be. The inspire me to love harder, fear less and just be me.
Have you always been interested in fashion? It’s so weird that you asked this, because when I was in high school, I was dead set on attending the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in California, I wanted so badly to be a fashion merchandiser! But as a my senior year went on, I of course changed my mind and honestly never gave it another thought. After I graduated high school I attended Joe Blasco Hollywood, where I studied Make-up and special effects.
As a mom of two boys, how do you balance everything?! Desmond (age 5) and Ezra (age 2). Well I am going to be brutally honest here. I don’t feel like I balance everything, not even close. My sink is always filled with dishes, my floors always need to be swept and I can’t keep the the plants on our front porch alive to save my life! There are many days where I feel very overwhelmed and wonder how I am going to get everything done in time?! Well, I don’t get a lot of sleep. I am a night owl for sure. I ask for help. My husband is so great and my mom is always a great help when she is around. I make lots of lists, and then I tell myself….”ok, just do the first three things on that list”. I am also very intentional with my time with the boys, My husband and I are very big on filling up their “love tanks”. When their love tanks are full everything else seems to be easier, seems to fall into place. There will always be housework and dishes, but my boys will only be little for such a short time. Also, prayer. I pray. A lot.
What has been your favorite piece so far? Oh that is hard! Hmm, I love our Monster Jamz tee. It was a collaboration with an artist in New York. She took one of Desmond’s drawings and just brought it to life, I also love our ladies ‘Be Lovely’ tank.
Any sneak peaks or hints to new designs you’re thinking of? We just released our Autumn and winter line, which I am SO excited about. Lots of warm colors, and fun designs, We are working on some of Desmond’s (our oldest son) latest drawings right now. We have some really cool ideas and can’t wait to see them on tees!
Anything else you’d like us to know? Hmm, I love bacon? HA! No, I would really love everyone to know how much their support has meant to us. When we started Artee and Me, we had 3 tees in our shop. I remember our first 10 followers and felt like a million bucks! Here we are almost 6 months later with 6,000 followers and over 35 different tees in our shop!!! We have met some of the most incredible women! We have gotten to know so many great shops. It all has been just so much more than our wildest dreams. So we really just can’t thank everyone enough.
And just for fun, If you were to try out for The Voice, what song would you pick to sing? Someone like you by Adele
Giveaway open to entrants 18+, anywhere Artee and Me ships! This contest is in no way sponsored by Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.
That Home is Where Mom is t-shirt is adorbs! I absolutely love it.
I lovvveee that one!
Beautiful pictures and I love the top! Looks great!
Thank you so much!
I always love y'alls matching outfits!! A very cute company.
Do you ever post your fitness routine on here? You are fit!
Oh my gosh, Autumn! You are so sweet! I have been majorly slacking on my fitness lately but I've been thinking about sharing my somewhat regular routine haha 🙂
I know most of these are geared towards moms, but I really want that
"Naptime Rocks!" t-shirt, hahah!
I mean, Naptime rocks all the time, regardless of whether you're a parent or not haha!
Cute outfit and adorable son! First time visiting your blog and this post was a great intro!
Thank you Bailee!
Such cute clothes.. and I love her honesty! Thanks for sharing her story!
Sarah is seriously so awesome!
The shirts are so cute. I love how they sprung from creativity.
I agree with Natalie and Desmond- Naptime Rocks!!. So cute. Would love to have some of these shirts!
Your shirts are so adorable! I love them, and congratulations on launching your new business.
That t-shirt and that hair are adorable!
Great interview! What a fun idea for shirts. Best wishes to Sarah with her up & coming biz!
Such cute shirts. I love your shoes.
So cute. Just love the pictures.
I love the Home is where the Mommy is shirt. These are sooooo cute!
I am not a Mom of a young one but a grandma…will pass this on though!
What an encouraging story of women in business. 🙂 I need a shirt that says Home is Where Mom Is, too!
i love your style.. very simple but stylish! Great pic!
What a sweet and awesome concept to put your kid's drawings and print them for the world to see and wear! I also love supporting mom-run businesses.
OMG I love these shirts! Such a cute idea putting kid's drawings on clothing to show off! I'm sending this over to my aunt who has two young kids. She will love it!
I love how innovative this mama is. What a great idea to turn kids art b into a t-shirt!
I love how innovative this mama is. What a great idea to turn kids art b into a t-shirt!
I really love the shirt, it is perfect gift for my sister that have a word That Home is Where Mom is t-shirt ,
Awesome giveaway! Good luck to all entries.
OMGOSH! What a cute idea! Turning kids drawings into shirts! I totally want to do this with my kids clothes! AH! And I feel her pain about not being able to juggle all of her commitments. #sameboat
Love the matching outfits. and you have such a cutie there.
This is so crazy cute! I love the shirts in the pictures, so creative and adorable. Great story and great idea for a company!
You two are always looking so cute!! Love the whole matching and being in theme with each other!
adorable pictures! Also I love who fun and comfortable your outfit is! Perfect for running around with the little one 🙂
Very cute matching outfits and adorable pictures! I love it. 🙂
Love the naptime tee!
– Judith
What a cute t-shirt your little one is wearing. I just love the way he strides and hams it up for the camera. He is quite the natural child model.
Can't thank everyone enough for all their wonderful comments!! Seriously, I'm speechless-and that never happens;). And a big thank you to Shannon. You stumbled on our shop and have been such a huge supporter ever since. You seem like such a wonderful wife and mother, I am truly honored to have been chosen as a feature on your blog. You rock!
I love the home is where mom is Tshirt!
I love the be lovely polka dot tank
Artee and Me has such cute stuff! I love the concept behind her shop! How fun for Sarah and her son to bond like that! I love the Stand Tall and Brave shirt!
I love the "with you I am home tank and the kids "home is where mom is" tshirt 😊